Water Jet Technology for Maximum Versatility

The waterjet technology allows a clear and precise cutting on many materials with low water consumption, making it a versatile method used in many sectors of activity (food, aeronautics, pharmaceuticals ...).


GE Renewable Energy to Integrate Energy Storage for the 200 MW Solar River Project, One of The World’s Largest Grid-Scale Hybrid Renewable Projects

The Solar River Project and GE Renewable Energy announce that GE has been selected for the supply and integration of one of the largest grid-scale battery technology hybrid deployment to be installed for the Solar River Project in South Australia.


Intelligent position measuring system for absolute linear feedback

With their BMP series Balluff has added a new intelligent displacement sensor which provides not only the absolute position signal for the stroke travel of a piston via IO-Link but also information about the sensor status and the current ambient conditions.


Symposium 'Additive Manufacturing and the Metal Industry'

Sirris is actively collaborating in the organisation of the 5th Symposium of Additive Manufacturing and the Metal Industries to be held on 17 October 2019 at Charleville-Mezière in France.


Powerful in-situ Machining with Mirage Portable Machine Tools

Following the successful acquisition of Mirage Machines, we are pleased to introduce a diverse range of heavy duty on-site machining tools to our product portfolio.

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