ABiT Corporation partnership with UnaBiz, to enhance their technological offerings in the smart cities and logistics sectors in Japan and around the world.
The innovative connected tactical vest project uses artificial intelligence (AI) for its abnormal-situation detection system and can transmit this warning to a command center via the Internet of Things (IoT). This innovation, applied to the operational needs of various law-enforcement professions, is the first result of a partnership between France's General Directorate of the National Gendarmerie (DGGN) and Wearin', the Swiss technology group Conextivity’s startup.
Together with Shougang Zhixin Electromagnetic, a leading steel producer in China, Fives produced the first electrical steel product for electric vehicle motors at its Zhixin plant.
From March 6 to 9, 2024, at the Taipei Cycle Show 2024 Valeo presents its innovative 48V electric assistance system for all types of bicycles and adapted to a rapidly transforming market.