Sydney Australia, XX August 2020 – SICE today announced that WestConnexTransurban has entrusted SICE to support a complex ecosystem of safety systems by signing a three-year fixed price support contract for the M4 and M8.. The contract includes a multi-tiered supported services model covering at least ten Intelligent traffic systems (ITS).
Advantech, a leading global innovator in the embedded market, is pleased to announce two wireless solutions aimed at improving connectivity in diverse applications.
In the field of automation technology, the color yellow stands for safety at work. The safety expert Leuze, as a developer and provider of safety sensors, safety solutions and safety services for the entire life cycle of a machine, is now further increasing focus of the company’s safety competence in its business activities with a dedicated division. Leuze emphasizes this in the public image with the motto, “Safety at Leuze”.