FAULHABER webinars – Driven by knowledge

Learn new things, deepen existing knowledge, talk to experts – that’s possible from anywhere, even when working from home. FAULHABER is therefore starting a new series of webinars on exciting topics, such as the development of noise in drive systems, in-depth application know-how and even on helpful tools such as the FAULHABER Motion Manager. Participation is free of charge. Only registration is required.

Rohde & Schwarz

Rohde & Schwarz enters source measure unit market with the new R&S NGU

With two new source measure units (SMU), Rohde & Schwarz enters a market previously not addressed by the power products of the test and measurement specialist. The performance of the new R&S NGU201 and R&S NGU401 SMUs enables simultaneous sourcing and measuring of currents and voltages with high precision. The two-quadrant R&S NGU201 addresses wireless device battery tests and automatically switches from source mode to sink mode at a defined positive input voltage. The four-quadrant R&S NGU401 can also switch at negative voltages, supporting source measurements for a vast range of power supply types.

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