Fraunhofer News

Disinfection robot: Value created by linking up to building data

The disinfection robot BALTO — named after a sled dog who carried urgently needed vaccines to a highly inaccessible region of Alaska a hundred years ago — is capable of disinfecting door knobs and similar objects. It does this autonomously, reacting to human beings in the surrounding area at the same time. An interface with the Building Information Modeling (BIM) process makes this possible.

Bunting europe News

6 Mobile Metal Separators Sold in 3 Months

Following a surge in orders for their mobile metal separator, Steelweld Enviro Products Ltd and CRJ Services have ordered six (6) Bunting Eddy Current Separators and Rare Earth Drum Magnets in the first quarter of 2021.

Mouser News

Our Energy Future

Our desire to move away from fossil fuels, to decarbonise and ensure sustainability, is making people more aware of the notion that energy is neither created nor destroyed but instead converted from one form to another.

Kuka News

Efficient automation in the plastics industry

Greater efficiency, greater cost-effectiveness and greater flexibility: there are a number of benefits attributed to robotic process automation within the plastics industry, all which ultimately support process optimisation.

Intel News

Intel AI Helps Speed Papermaking Process in Europe

Intel and byteLAKE develop an artificial intelligence solution that can help paper mills increase efficiency and lower costs.

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