WEG’s Group company TGM — a leading Brazilian provider of equipment for power generator drivers, has replaced a steam turbine with a superior model at Balbo Group company Usina Santo Antônia in Sertãozinho, Brazil.
House key, wallet, health insurance card, hotel key card — a smart finger ring could replace all these in the future. Produced by a 3D printing process, the ring has an integrated RFID chip, tamper-proof, sealed and invisible.
elobau opens its own virtual showroom, the eloLounge. To mark the opening, the eloLounge Days will take place from 15 June - 17 June. Over the three days, there will be presentations covering the whole elobau world. 100m record holder Julian Reus is also among the speakers.
SCHUNK has again increased its gripper fingers program, and they can be exchanged more rapidly now: whereas the proven SCHUNK BSWS jaw quick-change system required an Allen key for operation, however, the new manual BSWS-M system only requires the push of a button to mechanically unlock the top jaw and pull away from the gripper.
If electric vehicles are to achieve greater distances, it’s not only a matter of optimizing their batteries. Instead, the entire power train has to be improved.