The custom nozzle design allows the flow position and shape to precisely match the challenging wheel geometry with less components in the assembly, while also providing optimum flow to the metal cutting zone in the grinding machine. This increases the machines performance and optimizes the grind cycle.
SICK has launched The Monitoring Box, a simple system that enables plug-and-play condition monitoring and preventative maintenance of sensors, machines, processes and plants. The SICK Monitoring Box can be adapted for diverse individual operating requirements to provide live status feedback and historical analysis, supporting more effective maintenance and optimised efficiency.
Vicor Corporation (NASDAQ: VICR) today released its industry predictions for 2022, covering 3 areas: Automotive, Hyperscale Computing and Aerospace & Defense. Another year into the COVID-19 crisis has shown that the drive for innovative power solutions has waned little, however progress does not come without its challenges.
Siemens today announced that Airbus, a leading aircraft manufacturer, has selected Capital electrical/electronic (E/E) systems development software from Siemens‘ Xcelerator portfolio to accelerate the development of commercial aircraft.
JPB Système, the leading manufacturer of efficiency-enhancing technology solutions for aerospace, aeronautic and other industries, has reported extremely positive results from its continued research into the benefits and application possibilities of additive manufacturing (AM) technology.
Provertha has a comprehensive D-Sub connector range for a wide variety of applications and now also has 9-pin SMT Eurostyle "Small Space" versions in a new design with a smaller footprint on the PCB in its portfolio.
Studies validate this approach showing that diesel exhaust emissions contribute significantly to air pollution, accounting for 15% of the nitrogen oxide (NOx) and 5% of Particulate Matter (PM) emissions in the EU. In particular, they show that the particle size in diesel soot impacts observed health effects.