Comsol News

COMSOL Completes the Working Environment for Modeling and Simulation Projects with the Model Manager Server

The power of multiphysics simulation reaches all elements of product and process design projects with the introduction of the Model Manager server, which facilitates the collaboration between stakeholders and colleagues working on a modeling and simulation project.


FAULHABER integrates subsidiary PDT

Greater added value, shorter reaction times, more competence. Even in the year of the company's 75th anniversary, FAULHABER continues to improve customer service. Effective April 1, 2022, Dr. Fritz Faulhaber GmbH integrates subsidiary PDT Präzisionsdrehteile GmbH from Nürtingen and thereby welcomes 34 new specialists to the Schönaich location. Thanks to this strategically planned step, FAULHABER can, with a machining center of its own, respond more quickly to individual requests and expands competencies in the area of machining production.

FPT Industrial


A pioneer and leader in the development of alternative fuel engines with more than 20 years of experience and over 70,000 natural gas engines sold globally to date, FPT Industrial presented at Agrishow 2022 – held in Ribeirão Preto (São Paulo, Brazil) from 25 to 29 April – a full range of solutions to implement a zero-carbon footprint agricultural virtuous cycle.

Seco Tools

Seco Supports Medical Innovation With Virtual Event and Exclusive Content

Seco and its technical partners will host the company’s second Medical Inspiration Through Innovation (ITI) virtual event on Wednesday, May 18, 2022 in German and on Wednesday, June 22, 2022 in English and Mandarin. With collaboration and innovation in mind, the event will focus on precision medical manufacturing excellence, giving attendees the opportunity to watch medical implant machining demonstrations and participate in discussions about the optimized process, as well as attend industry-specific seminars and presentations.

ZF News

ZF becomes more climate-friendly with green electricity

ZF has set the goal of becoming climate-neutral by no later than 2040. By 2030, emissions from the company's production sites worldwide are to be reduced by around 80 percent compared to 2019.


HKPC Helps Hong Kong Enterprise Achieve Advanced Manufacturing with Intelligent Electrospinning Production Lines for High Value-added “Made-in-Hong Kong” Nanofiber Material

The Hong Kong Productivity Council (HKPC), as the implementer and promoter of the industrial policy of Hong Kong, has been helping various industries to shine and supporting the HKSAR Government to develop and promote high value-added industries with advanced technologies and intelligent production to save cost, land and manpower for manufacturers.

Dunkermotoren News

Dunkermotoren with new IIoT brand nexofox at Smart Industries in Paris

The Smart Industries in Paris - for Dunkermotoren, MAE and EGS Automation it is a special event. From May 17 - 20, 2022, the three companies will exhibit together in hall 5A at booth 5G45. Dunkermotoren will present its new IIoT brand nexofox for the first time at a trade show in France. A showcase will demonstrate the end-to-end solution from the field level to the cloud.

Stratasys News


Stratasys takes realism to the next level with the introduction of new Agilus30 Colors materials for soft touch prints with hyper-realistic look and feel.

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