Vision Components News

Free webinar: Real-time angle measurement in sheet metal bending

Vision Components will host two webinars on 24 January, demonstrating the operation and integration of autonomous angle measurement in metal processing. Thanks to the integrated processor, the sensor directly outputs the workpiece angle in degrees.

Bausano News


The plastics industry is experiencing continuous growth: An increase due to both the material's versatility, suitable for multiple applications, and its recyclability, which makes it a valid and environmentally friendly alternative thanks to which rising costs and raw material shortages can be dealt with.


CLPA continues to ramp up support for TSN with new development options

The development ecosystem for Time-Sensitive Networking technology is expanding further, thanks to a range of new solutions to deliver CC-Link IE TSN compatible products. Developed by CC-Link Partner Association members, the growing number of hardware and software options available highlights the increasing market demand for CC-Link IE TSN.

E2S News

Next generation SIL rated warning signals

E2S Warning Signals, the world’s leading independent manufacturer of life safety notification signals for industrial, marine and hazardous areas, are pleased to announce their next generation of SIL1 and SIL2 compliant warning devices.

Review Displays News

High performance single board computer designed for graphics intensive tasks

Embedded systems and display solutions provider, Review Display Systems Inc, has announced the introduction of an AMD-powered mini-STX single board computer from leading global provider of embedded technology, Kontron.



The FAULHABER Drive Calculator is the perfect tool for developers to find a suitable drive system for a specific application in record time. It is easy to use and functional: the modern, clear user interface was designed with optimal usability in mind, and helpful tool tips provide valuable detailed information.

Siemens News

Siemens and 80 Acres Collaborate to Scale Vertical Farming

Siemens announced its collaboration with 80 Acres Farms, a leader in the indoor farming industry. With five production farms in southwestern Ohio, a new farm in Florence, Kentucky, a future farm in Covington, Georgia, and R&D facilities in Arkansas and the Netherlands, 80 Acres Farms specializes in growing the next generation of food — food grown in eco-friendly indoor farms closer to consumers’ tables.

Nexcom News

The In-Vehicle AI-Aided Telematics Computer, VTC 7260-xC4 Leads the Way

To cope with the boom of e-commerce and direct delivery trends, machine learning is currently greatly integrated into ADAS, public works, intelligent traffic system, and countless warehouse applications. Provided with advanced computing power, extension capability, and high connectivity, NEXCOM’s in-vehicle AI-aided telematics computer, VTC 7260-xC4 is used as the core of vehicles to help deploy applications like smart public transit, smart agriculture/construction, and automated intralogistics.

Nexcom News

NEXCOM’s ISA 140 – Your Key Factory Assets Are Safe and Sound

NEXCOM, a leading supplier of network appliances and Industry 4.0 solutions, installed next generation Industrial Control System (ICS) security appliances at its own Smart Factory. ISA 140 is a compact fanless DIN rail box, designed to protect key assets in an industrial setting.

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