Sinopec News

Sinopec Launches its Bio-aviation Fuel Shipment to Hong Kong

Sinopec shipped 500 tonnes of sustainable aviation fuel to Hong Kong, marking its first international bio-aviation fuel market entry and cutting emissions by 50%.

Sinopec Launches its Bio-aviation Fuel Shipment to Hong Kong

Sinopec launched its bio-aviation fuel shipment to Hong Kong, marking the first-ever among Chinese companies into the bio-aviation fuel market outside the Chinese mainland.

The “Sheng You 238” vessel, loaded with 500 tonnes of our bio-aviation fuel, set sail from Sinopec Zhenhai Refining & Chemical Company (ZRCC) on February 26, heading straight for Hong Kong International Airport.

This eco-friendly fuel is also known as Sustainable Aviation Fuel (SAF) made from renewable resources like animal fats, vegetable oils, and used cooking oil, slashes emissions by more than 50% across its life cycle.

Sinopec Launches its Bio-aviation Fuel Shipment to Hong Kong

Sinopec Launches its Bio-aviation Fuel Shipment to Hong Kong

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