
Robotic acoustic inspection webinar

In a joint webinar on robotic acoustic inspection, Boston Dynamics and Fluke Process Instruments will show how to improve the energy efficiency of industrial operations through automatic compressed air leak detection by means of the SV600 Fixed Acoustic Imager and the agile mobile robot Spot.

Robotic acoustic inspection webinar
Spot safely and efficiently completes programmed inspection routines, carrying the SV600 payload which locates gas leaks

The webinar on 31 October 2023, at 11 a.m. EDT (7 a.m. UTC) will address how acoustic imaging is used to locate gas leaks and how the four-legged robot completes autonomous inspection walkarounds through complex environments.

Application experts from Boston Dynamics and Fluke Process Instruments will present use cases with significant cost savings and instruct participants on how to utilize the technology for their inspection needs. The SV600 payload detects sounds even above the human hearing range – even in noisy industrial environments. Combining sound maps with visual images, it can exactly pinpoint gas leaks.

Webinar details and registration: https://bostondynamics.com/webinars/improving-energy-efficiency-with-robotic-acoustic-inspection/


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