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FEIG news
Compared to its established predecessor ID CPR40.30, the new device supports more transponder types and current security functions and also offers more performance.

FEIG ELECTRONIC has the new HF desktop reader ID CPR30pro, an all-rounder among desktop readers. It supports all common HF transponders according to ISO 14443-A and -B, ISO 15693 and ISO 18000-3M3. In addition, of course, NFC devices according to ISO 18092.
With a transmission power of up to 300 mW, it offers significantly more power than its predecessor and achieves comfortable reading ranges even with small and weak transponders. With the so-called "EV2 Secure Messaging", it also supports all cryptographic functions of the latest MIFARE® chips from NXP.
The powerful desktop reader with a USB interface is used in desktop applications such as eTicketing, eDocument, public transport or at the point of sale in retail, for example, to process loyalty cards.
The ID CPR30pro is also available as a variant with 2 SAM sockets. In the ID CPR30pro SAM variant, the device has 2 slots for SAM cards (Secure Application Module). These are used to further enhance security and cryptographic performance, typically in applications where secure transactions need to be performed, such as in the field of eTicketing.
The new HF desktop reader is therefore the optimal choice for every application to ensure fast and secure contactless data exchange with HF transponders of all kinds.