Network Player App “Share to Care” Receives Japan-First JIS Certification for Software
Verification of Quality Compliance and Controls in Software Development. “Share to Care (S.t.C)”, a network player app developed by Alps Alpine Co., Ltd., received JIS software certification (JIS mark certification for electromagnetic records such as software and data based on JIS X 25051) on June 9, 2022.

App system (example)
The app, allowing sharing of music, video, photos and other content among different devices, was examined and certified by leading Japanese third-party certification body Japan Quality Assurance Organization (JQA).
The certification verifies conformance with software quality requirements and the implementation of quality control systems during the app’s development. Alps Alpine’s certification is the first in Japan since the launch of the JIS mark system for electromagnetic records in July 2019.
Software development is growing in importance in many sectors. At Alps Alpine, we will continue our pursuit of ever higher levels of quality in software development activities and work to strengthen our development framework through efforts to recruit and train software professionals. In this way, we will accelerate development of functional devices integrating hardware and software, thereby delivering new value to society.
Background to the Certification
Inroads made by Internet of Things (IoT) technology into industrial equipment, factories, cities and other parts of society in recent years, as well as the quickening pace of technological innovation in the automotive industry typified by advances in the CASE domains (connected cars, autonomous driving, sharing and services, and electric vehicles), have led to greater connectivity of items that is generating new value. Software for controlling these systems is growing in importance as a result.
There is also additional and expanding demand for software to enable the digital transformation (DX) of corporate business processes and concern about the quality of that software is mounting. Raising the quality of software necessitates not only improvements from our own perspective, but also looking into adding value for users and conformance with quality requirements.
Against the backdrop of these market developments, the rate of software development at Alps Alpine has also increased. For some time now, Alps Alpine has been designing systems enabling seamless and stress-free operation of hardware and software offerings built up over the years. This is done through development of not only hardware, but also embedded software1 for Alps Alpine products like automotive modules, applications like the ALPINE SmartX navigation app2, and car navigation systems, but now it is vital that we bolster our software development capability further.
To achieve that, we are currently strengthening recruitment and training of software professionals while proactively accumulating expertise through acceleration of prior development in IoT and CASE domains and development of applications for general consumers.
Details of the Certification
The network player app developed by Alps Alpine, “Share to Care,” was awarded JIS software certification (JIS mark certification for electromagnetic records such as software and data based on JIS X 25051) by JQA, a third-party certification body for management standards accredited to both the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry and the Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications.
Prior to the certification, an assessment of conformity with the standards was carried out by Hitachi Solutions Create, Ltd. (Shinagawa-ku, Tokyo; President & CEO: Hiromitsu Takeda), the first center in Japan to become an accredited JNLA3 testing laboratory for evaluation of software. Conformance with quality requirements and implementation of quality control systems during development of software for the app was verified and Alps Alpine became the first in Japan to obtain the certification since the launch of JIS mark system for electromagnetic records in July 2019.
“Share to Care” is a network player app allowing users to enjoy music, video, photos and other content stored on different devices, such as smartphones and tablets, with family, friends and others by sharing the data using Wi-Fi® communication. With the right communication environment in place, it is possible to create an integrated space anywhere, with anyone, for sharing digital content as well as the excitement and emotion those experiences bring. Another envisaged use is watching over children sitting in the rear seat of a vehicle cabin.
Besides monitoring children via a camera on the child’s device, it is also possible to remotely control music and video from other devices. The app is already available on Google Play and will be released in the App Store in due course.
- App Store is a trademark of Apple Inc. registered in the U.S. and other countries.
- Google Play is a trademark of Google LLC registered in the U.S. and other countries.