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Dunkermotoren News
Like swimming wings for your BG application
When working with cobots (collaborative robots) or AGVs (Automated Guided Vehicles) in the intralogistics, medical technology, industrial or door automation sectors, safety precautions mean that the drive can safely no longer generate torque. Since motors cannot fulfill this with swimming wings, Dunkermotoren has introduced the safety function STO for BLDC motors into the dPro version and the external control electronics BGE 5510 dPro.

From a bike helmet to seatbelts or swimming wings, there are safety devices for every aspect of life to keep us safe. What if your application could also be protected with swimming wings?
STO stands for "Safe Torque Off". In this case, the motor no longer generates torque. This task is the basic function for many other safety functions, such as SS1 and SLS. Dunkermotoren has, in addition to the control electronics, completely integrated these functions into the motor housing - while keeping the same size. Advantages of an integrated solution are, for example, the reduced cable effort or the cost, space and energy savings due to the omission of the safety relay, which would be needed otherwise. Another advantage is that the logic voltage of the motor is retained despite torque-free disconnection. This avoids time-consuming re-referencing when restarting, which increases the efficiency of the application.
The required standards were also met when the safety function was introduced in Dunkermotoren's smart motors. This was tested by TÜV Nord and confirmed in the first run. As a result, the corresponding Dunkermotoren drives are officially STO-certified, which significantly simplifies your application's installation and certification.
STO is available for all BG motors of the dPro version and the BGE 5510 dPro control electronics and is even integrated as standard in combination with Industrial Ethernet. Even if motors do not protect against sinking like swimming wings, Dunkermotoren with STO as a safety precaution protects man and machine from damage.
Dunkermotoren has held its line with PROFINET and has set new standards: The combination of PROFINET and PROFIdrive with application classes 1 to 4 completely integrated into the drive - and in all sizes from the small BG 45 to the powerful BG 95.
Author: Lea Rheiner, Product Management at Dunkermotoren GmbH