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Keyence France
Keyence's new VHX-5000 digital microscope sets a new standard in processing speed
Keyence's latest product represents a technological leap. It is the first digital microscope with a CMOS camera. Already a very fast technology, CMOS has been optimised by Keyence to achieve the same image quality as that achievable with CCD cameras. It helps to increase processing speeds by a ratio of 5 to 10. All the image-processing capacities that have made the VHX Series a success are virtually instantaneous.

Its innovation lies in the fact that its processing speeds are much faster than those of the best market standards. The VHX-5000 Series is equipped with a new CMOS camera (max. resolution: 4800 × 3600 pixels) capable of imaging at 50 frames per second. The new REMAX V graphics engine selects the various focal positions and the data with the best focus for each pixel and generates fully focused images on the screen. Focusing is thus virtually instantaneous. The processing speed applies to the VHX-Series' wide variety of features. Depth composition, which allows fully focused images to be generated even when a target's surface is uneven, is therefore very fast. The VHX-5000 Series automatically focuses each time the field of view is changed and rapidly captures a depth-composition image. Whereas several minutes were necessary with the previous version, the VHX-5000's stitching function produces high-resolution images (20,000 × 20,000 pixels) in seconds. The super-high-resolution mode (blue light) can be combined with the HDR function to optimise the resolution and contrast of images. The HDR function, which produces more accurate and more natural colours has been further enhanced with a glare-removal function.
The VHX-5000 digital microscope offers much greater ease of use and productivity than conventional microscopes, and virtually every function can be controlled remotely. It automatically adjusts sharpness, contrast and saturated areas to immediately capture high-quality images that enable observations that are often not possible with other equipment. The user interface has been further streamlined; only a few icons are needed to enable all the necessary functions. The objective lenses are fitted with connectors for immediate recognition and can be tilted in seconds without cables. 3D analysis has also been improved with a shape and measurement analysis function. Lastly, the screen now measures 23 inches.
All these features make analysis much more productive and less laborious than with a conventional microscope: users no longer have to get into position in order to look through the eyepiece. Files and images can be shared and measurement data can be exported for greater workflow efficiency. User sessions with specific light settings can be defined to make observations repeatable and operator independent.
With a magnification range from 0.1x–5000x, the VHX Series enables a wide range of macroscopic and microscopic observation. Many lighting techniques are also supported – including transmitted, with diffusion plates and polarisation plates to bring out surface features, differential interference contrast (DIC), and above all the new combination of bright field and dark field – to obtain the best rendering results with each lighting technique in a single image. These techniques are controlled by the software and thus are reproducible.