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Murata Adds New Capabilities to its Highly Versatile id-Bridge RFID Management Solution
Leveraging the technical strength it has built up in the RFID business over more than two decades, Murata now launches its id-Bridge suite 4.0.

This advanced web-based platform enables end-to-end management of RFID systems on any scale. It takes care of the acquisition, conditioning, aggregation and interpretation of data from tagged items so that this can subsequently be used to make better-informed strategic decisions.
The development of id-Bridge suite 4.0 has relied on in-depth collaboration with RFID experts at the University of Parma, as well as input from key players in retail and consumer goods sectors. Via the intuitive dashboard feature, operatives can gain a detailed overview of processes and physical product movements. They can also refer to predetermined KPIs to check that targets are being met. The direction of movement for tagged items can be determined, making supply flows simple for operatives to understand.
id-Bridge suite 4.0 is applicable for a wide array of different use cases, avoiding the need for customers to construct a bespoke system from scratch. The RFID management platform is straightforward to implement and maintain, as well as being configurable to meet specific requirements. The platform can run on a local server or be connected to the cloud in order to obtain data from multiple site locations.
Ease of integration is another important aspect which id-Bridge suite 4.0 addresses. The middleware employed means that acquired RFID data can be utilised by customers’ existing enterprise resource planning (ERP) systems. This can be achieved through both standard and dedicated APIs, sharing of database tables, or text file sharing. There is also the capacity for the system to write data entries directly into blockchain distributed ledgers.
Among the places that can benefit from Murata’s id-Bridge suite 4.0 are retail stores and outlets, distribution centres and warehouses, hospitals, transportation networks, pharmaceutical suppliers and food suppliers. Here it can help with mitigating potential sources of financial loss and making operations more efficient via better asset tracking and inventory management. The platform can also accelerate replenishment activities, help prevent theft, provide cold chain monitoring, identify counterfeit products and serve numerous other functions.
“This latest update to the id-Bridge platform presents our customers with a valuable business intelligence solution. The platform already manages the data from 40 million tags deployed worldwide, and these new capabilities are certain to bring it even greater commercial traction,” states Francesco Fantoni Guerci, CEO at Murata ID Solutions. “Through access to the new dashboard facility, customers will have access to comprehensive data sets that will provide high degrees of logistical insight, from small implementations all the way to large scale operations. Furthermore, the inherent flexibility of this platform means that data exchanges can be modified as system requirements change.”