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HellermannTyton News
With NEC 2020 Solar Label Package, Safety is in the Bag
All-in-one label kit helps installers comply with regulations.

HellermannTyton has grouped all solar labels required for PV installations to comply with the 2020 updates to Article 690 of the National Electrical Code. The labels are being distributed as a kit called NEC 2020 Solar Label Value Pack, which is available through a nationwide distributor network.
As PV systems grow and evolve, the required labeling must change to ensure safe and informed installations. Every three years, the code-making panel reconvenes to review existing labels and their messaging to determine needed changes. These include addressing new practices, improvements to enhance comprehension and readability, as well as reducing redundancy and other inefficiencies.
The Solar Label Value Pack was developed to make it easy for solar system contractors to apply all the required labeling without relying on guesswork. All HellermannTyton solar labels fully comply with the National Electric Code.
“The code committee made significant updates for 2020,” said Todd Fries, HellermannTyton’s product category manager – identification, who has long served on Code Making Panel 4 of the NEC. “While every Article 690 update represents improvements in terms of safety and ease of use, installers are advised to check local codes to ensure they are in compliance.”
Proper labeling ensures more than a safe installation. Passing inspection the first time saves time and controls costs.