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Omniflex News
Remotely controlling corrosion
Omniflex partners with IEV to bring remotely monitored cathodic protection systems to South East Asia.

Cathodic protection specialist Omniflex has partnered with Malaysian company IEV Group to supply remotely monitored and controlled cathodic protection (CP) systems to the South East Asia region. The first product available through the partnership is the industry-proven PowerView CP, a remotely monitored and controlled CP system that can be installed to monitor the performance of new or existing impressed current and galvanic CP installations.
It is common for CP systems to be used to protect steel and concrete structures such as tanks, bridges, wharves and industrial pipelines from corrosion. However, asset managers have traditionally relied on physical site inspections to check the performance of equipment that is commonly located in dangerous or difficult-to-access locations. This is a costly and inefficient approach and businesses looking to increase their efficiency while reducing costs should opt for remotely monitored CP systems instead.
“With the widespread adoption of the Internet of Things (IoT), the benefits of remotely monitoring cathodic protection systems are becoming more compelling than ever,” explained David Celine, managing director of Omniflex. “Data accessibility and transparency are becoming more important than ever, and remote monitoring platforms offer a single, easy-to-access, repository for all live and historical CP data.
“Furthermore, by automatically recording asset performance 24/7, any abnormal events, like outages or anode failure, can be reported directly to the appropriate personnel immediately,” continued Celine. “Finally, there are substantial cost savings for businesses who adopt remotely monitored CP systems because of the reduction in physical site inspections needed to meet regulatory requirements.”
“In South East Asia, we have a lot of ageing assets, so the importance of corrosion control technology has soared in recent years,” added Christopher Do, CEO of IEV. “Remote monitoring represents the most convenient and cost-effective way to manage CP systems. By managing them remotely over long periods of time, businesses will reap the rewards in the form of lower operating costs, real-time conditional assessment, faster response times and better service levels.”