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KTN News
The UK manufacturing industry will hear from expert speakers using and developing robotics and AI in the most advanced and forward-looking sectors of UK industry at the Robotics & Artificial Intelligence (RAI) Industry Showcase, which returns virtually on 25 – 27 May 2021.

The three-day event, which is being organised by KTN and will be hosted online, will provide delegates with a unique breadth of insight into the latest in industrial robotics and AI innovation in everything from nuclear operations and decommissioning, to in-orbit space operations.
Marie Emerson, Robotics Knowledge Transfer Manager at KTN, says: “Robotics and AI have vast untapped potential to improve our lives, but there are a few key sectors where technological innovation is being accelerated. The RAI Industry Showcase is intended to give UK industry the opportunity to understand where these innovations are happening, and what they might mean for their sectors and their businesses.
“The programme is really exciting and will give delegates the opportunity to take a look at the latest innovations in robotics and AI that they wouldn’t otherwise be aware of. A robot designed to collect debris in space is a really neat piece of kit, but why should anyone from outside the space industry take an interest? Well, one of the brilliant things about robotics and AI is that their modular nature enables them to be adapted for different applications; a component technology developed for an in-orbit robot could be a game changer for robotics in other industries like manufacturing, and also social care and agri-food. We’re excited to show companies in UK manufacturing how they can keep pace with international players who are already adopting AI and robotics to give them a competitive edge.”
Day one of the event will feature talks on robots for safer nuclear operations and decommissioning, robotics systems for offshore energy, robots for in-orbit and space applications and will end with a special presentation on robotic and AI systems and technologies with cross-sector applications.
Day two will kick off with a session on making UK manufacturing smarter with RAI, followed by an exploration of the Robotics Growth Partnership. There will be a talk on sharing the costs and risks of applying robotics, one on the impact of RAI on the COVID-19 pandemic, and UK Research and Innovation (UKRI) will share its vision for robots for the future.
Day three will include talks on RAI disrupting the provision of care, and how robotics and AI can support first response services, and will finish with an inspiring headline session about how robotics and AI are being used to feed the world and fight cancer, followed by an informal at-home drinks reception.
All three days will include networking opportunities as well as collaboration sessions and virtual exhibitor booths.
Mark Emerton, Senior Innovation Lead, Robotics & AI, for the Robots for a Safer World Challenge at UKRI, says, “The RAI Industry Showcase is our most important event of the year for showcasing robotics in the UK. Not only does it give the sector the opportunity to come together and share ideas, but also helps them find potential customers and collaborators as well as funding opportunities.
“We’re pleased to highlight that the themed sessions on Nuclear, Offshore, Space, Cross Cutting, COVID-19 and Resilient Future all showcase some of the best work we’ve supported as part of the Robots for a Safer World Challenge. As well as being excited to hear presentations throughout the event, we are looking forward to engaging in the dialogue and panel collaboration sessions as we seek the delegates’ input on where the UK should go next in terms of Robotics R&D funding and support.”