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Hexagon Manufacturing Intelligence News
Campania is building Italy's most digitized aerospace supply chain.

The Campania aerospace industry is working to become the most digitised in Italy. It is using the period of economic crisis generated by the pandemic to invest in growth and new skills. It is doing so through a collaboration between DAC, the Campania Aerospace District, and Hexagon’s Manufacturing Intelligence division, a world leader in the sector of sensors, software for smarter manufacturing.
The collaboration aims to offer aerospace Small to Medium sized Enterprises (SMEs) in the DAC new opportunities and competences. The DAC leadership team and Hexagon’s Manufacturing Intelligence division are working together to support SMEs in using this pandemic period for active resilience by optimising manufacturing processes with digitisation and staff training, so that when the crisis generated by the pandemic is behind them and production and employment resume, Campania will have the most digitised supply chain in Italy to respond quicky and efficiently to the needs of the global aerospace market.
The news emerged during a visit by the president of the DAC, Luigi Carrino, to the Hexagon’s Manufacturing Intelligence division Italian headquarters in Pomigliano D'arco in the province of Naples. During the morning the president of the District and a delegation from the DAC attended several demonstrations of the innovative technologies, machines and sensors that Hexagon has been producing for 200 years with a constant drive towards innovation in manufacturing.
The DAC and Hexagon team stood together in front of the Hexagon logo “Hexagon is capable of innovation and progress that is extraordinary, attractive and stimulates growth and competitiveness," said Luigi Carrino, president of the DAC. "The fact that Hexagon has decided to set up in our region a technical and application centre organized to demonstrate how Hexagon can provide their customers and prospects a comprehensive solution across the whole production process means that Campania is leading the industry, and structuring it in the form of an industry district facilitates strong relations between companies and technology transfer."
“We have signed an agreement to make the Campania aerospace supply chain the most digitised in Italy so that it can use the crisis as an opportunity to relaunch itself," continued Carrino. “Hexagon's headquarters is a valuable place to see for yourself the advantage that using these technologies can bring to make companies more competitive. To be successful, supply chain projects must involve SMEs and I am proud that this Hexagon centre was born in Campania. We are happy to help populate it with entrepreneurs, business technicians and all those who can use these technologies to grow".
“The idea is to create in Campania a ‘Smart Factory Valley'”, said Armando Mete Senior Regional Sales Manager of Hexagon’s Manufacturing Intelligence division, during the visit - every company in Campania that joins the Factory system will enjoy new opportunities, will be a step ahead in digitalisation, and will have more opportunities and competitive offerings in the international market by presenting itself within a strongly innovative network."
About DAC, Distretto Aerospaziale della Campania
DAC - Distretto Tecnologico Aerospaziale della Campania S.c.a.r.l. was established on 30 May 2012 within the framework of the National Operational Programme "Research and Competitiveness". It brings together players operating in the fields of Research, Development and Training for Aerospace.
Campania is one of the few regions in Italy that can boast an interest in aeronautics and space that dates back almost 100 years and which, from the years of the space race onwards, has led to a widespread involvement of the entire region. Today, the Campania Aerospace District DAC has 193 members, 79 of which are direct members, including large companies, SMEs, 10 universities and research centres, and 114 SMEs, grouped together in consortia, in a system that links companies and the world of research.
Defence, space and aeronautics are at the heart of the project activities developed by the Campania Aerospace District, together with technological innovation with frontier projects for general commercial aviation, space and carriers, but also maintenance, transformation and support for members to be competitive both nationally and internationally.
For Campania, DAC represents a fundamental step towards the realisation and management of a networked industrial model capable of designing competitive solutions and offering them on the market at national and international level.
The DAC pursues all its objectives in a meta-district perspective. It is one of the founding members of the National Aerospace Technology Cluster (CTNA). It has also implemented important actions to ensure its involvement in the most prestigious national and international aerospace platforms, such as: ACARE Italy, the SPIN-it Space Platform, the European Aerospace Cluster Partnership (EACP) network. In 2016, DAC was awarded the "Bronze Label" certificate of excellence by the European Secretariat for Cluster Analysis (ESCA), an agency appointed by the European Commission to assess the quality and performance of technological districts on a continental scale. DAC is currently the only Italian district to enjoy this qualification.