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Ricardo News
Ricardo joins Getting to Zero Coalition to deliver the world’s first commercially viable zero emissions sea going vessel
In recognition of its world-renowned expertise in decarbonisation, Ricardo has been invited to join other leading global marine organisations to help achieve the marine sector’s ambitious targets around zero emissions.

As part of its mission to support the decarbonisation of the global transport and energy sectors, Ricardo, a world-class environmental, engineering and strategic consulting company, has today announced that it has become a member of the Getting to Zero Coalition and is keen to move forward its mission to accelerate the development and deployment of zero emissions vessels by 2030.
The International Maritime Organisation has set an ambition of reducing greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions from shipping by at least 50% by 2050. Ricardo experts have already been playing an active role in supporting this: from developing world-leading maritime GHG emission inventories that support policy development, evaluating the opportunities and benefits of generating renewables-based electro-fuels, through to next generation clean vessel propulsion solutions.
Dr Mike Bell, Ricardo Group Strategy Director said: “Ricardo is actively supporting the decarbonisation of the global transport and energy sectors, and we recognise the critical role the maritime industry plays in reducing the impacts of climate change. We are already developing clean, efficient products for the maritime sector, advising international governments and policy makers, and acting as a trusted advisor to the industry on solutions to achieve net zero. Joining the Getting to Zero Coalition will enable us to work proactively with our new partners, applying our proven solutions to reduce carbon emissions and deliver clean, efficient solutions so that the marine sector can achieve its ultimate goal of halving emissions from shipping by 2050.”
Ricardo has world-renowned capability in decarbonising transportation: through alternative zero emission transport fuels like hydrogen and ammonia, electrification technology solutions including battery and hydrogen fuel cells, and advanced emissions testing or certification. Ricardo is also the trusted advisor for global marine sector clients to find holistic strategies and scientifically robust approaches for port economies and ecosystems, which achieve zero emissions through: monitoring and improving air and water quality; optimising infrastructure; and delivering clean energy storage and supply.
Getting to Zero is a business-led global coalition that works with and through the shipping industry sector to develop and implement commercially viable zero emissions vessels operating along deep-sea trade routes by 2030, supported by the necessary infrastructure for scalable net zero-carbon energy sources including production, distribution, storage and bunkering. The coalition is a partnership made up of the Global Maritime Forum, World Economic Forum and Friends of Ocean Action.