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Klauke News
Setting the course for a secure future
This is probably the best way to characterise the decision, which was taken as early as a year ago. But – good things come to those who wait, and so completion did not take place until the beginning of 2021.

But it was at the very beginning of the year!
At the beginning of 2020, the decision was taken to relocate part of the production from Cluj/Romania to Remscheid in order to create a "centre of excellence" for the milling and turning of press rings and jaws. Many questions had to be clarified in advance, such as the optimal layout of the floor space, the power supply and how to best integrate production into the existing CAM system.
When all these considerations were completed, the machines were gradually relocated. We decided to do this gradually, so that we can continue to deliver to our customers on time as usual and no delays could occur here. After all the machines had been correctly installed on site and some new tools and clamping systems had been procured, production could start in Remscheid. This was done at the turn of the year and will help us to meet the challenges of the market in the future as well, since we managed to reduce the set-up time for the machines considerably.