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PICMG Announces Officers for 2021 - 2022 Term
PICMG, a not-for-profit 501(C) consortium of companies and organizations that collaboratively develop open specifications, held its bi-annual election for officers. The group elected four officers to lead the organization through 2022.

The president Jess Isquith, chief technical officer Doug Sandy, and treasurer Dylan Lang were all re-elected for the 2021-2022 term.
Doug Sandy has been in leadership positions at PICMG for over fifteen years. He enters his 12th year as CTO and will continue to chair the ongoing IIoT initiatives.
Valerie Andrew, who previously served as the organization's secretary, has been elected to the vice president of marketing. Ms. Andrew is the strategic marketing architect for Elma Electronic; she has over 20 years of experience in the embedded computing industry and has long been active in PICMG and holds leadership positions in other open standards organizations, including VITA and SOSA.
Dylan Lang from Samtec will continue in the treasurer role. Mr. Lang is a member of Samtec's standards team, expanding the company's roadmap for next-generation technologies and product development definition. He serves as the secretary on PICMG COM-HPC and IIoT initiatives. He also holds leadership positions on VITA and SOSA committees.
"I am honored to have the opportunity to continue to work with the PICMG Officers and members for the next two years. It is an exciting time at PICMG, and the leadership team is committed to fostering the momentum that has grown over the past few years.", said Jess Isquith, President of PICMG. PICMG is working on multiple new and revised specifications. In 2021 we plan to release COM-HPC, the new COM specification for high-performance computing, IIoT Firmware for MicroSAM, and data models. We will also release an update to CompactPCI Serial and continue to work on MicroTCA enhancements. In addition to the direct PICMG efforts, we are committed to continued collaboration with other standards organizations, including DMTF, VITA, and OCP.
The role of secretary is currently vacant, but the team is actively looking to fulfill the position.