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Roadshow instead of a Trade Show
Because a number of trade shows were cancelled, SCHUNK is visiting their customers with demo material on site now: The SCHUNK Roadshow will offer the opportunity of getting an in-depth look into the world of gripping systems.

It was successfully on tour after the summer break in Austria and Belgium. The target group of the Roadshow are designers and system planners as well as production employees. Current highlights of the proven flagships of gripping systems and useful accessory products are shown.
The portfolio of the Roadshow comprises of products of the key areas gripping/swiveling and rotating, linear technology, robot accessories, mechatronics and gripping systems for cobots. SCHUNK consultants explain the technical features and fields of application of the individual components on site; and the topics and demo material are always specifically adapted to the customers and users.

Invite for a Roadshow: SCHUNK is bringing their demo goods directly to the customers, because a number of trade shows were cancelled. The demo goods can be inspected and tested live on site.
The applicable hygiene regulations are carefully observed to ensure that a safe visit is possible. If you would like to invite this free Roadshow with demo material to your own company, please contact one of the SCHUNK consultants in the field service, who will then coordinate an appointment.