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Modern automation systems provide for the availability to be accessed remotely and at any time. From this perspective, various users such as operators, maintenance crews and production managers need to have access to automation systems, and the security of each access needs to be guaranteed. In fact, authorizing different profiles of people to access the system remotely, means exposing the system to security issues that can involve data confidentiality and even command and control security problems. Typically, these accesses have to be managed in a simple and functional way, thus the Web Client technology is used increasingly.

Movicon.NExT natively offers the possibility to view project screens and access functionalities thanks to HTML5 technology. The contents can be visualized in different modes:
- Using any HTML5 browser
- Through the APPs available on Android, iOS and Windows stores
In the Movicon.NExT project, the system integrator can select at any time which of the two options to use for the Web connectivity. However, there is the possibility to use both modes at the same time since they can co-exist in the same application. With the HTML5 browser option, it is possible to choose between 2 different graphics rendering technologies of the application, the first one based on WPF and the second one based on SVG.
WPF technology allows to use the same functionalities and the same graphic objects available in the traditional Movicon.NExT Client. Thanks to this, the web experience is quite similar to that of a typical Client.
SVG technology is designed to be used in a “lite” Web Client solution, where the user experience is different from that of a typical Movicon.NExT Client and the graphical images and renderings are slightly less sofisticated. This type of technology, using less system’s resources, can be displayed on Thin Client devices with limited hardware capabilities.
Regardless of the enabled technology, the Movicon.NExT Web Client function ensures remote connectivity in total security. The connection between Server and Web Client is established using an HTTPS protocol and leveraging Websocket technology. This allows to be safe from external attacks both when the communication is set up and during the data exchange, once the communication is established. Another great benefit is that this connectivity is recognized safe by systems like Firewalls, since it flows through the standard communication ports that are usually used for the standard Internet browsing. Thus, using Movicon.NExT Web Client function, a user operates securely and through the normal channels that are usually at the disposal of the IT department.
To access the application that is published by Movicon.NExT via Web Client, operators need to authenticate with username and password, since the Web Client functionality also uses the Movicon.NExT user management.
After the access, the user can interact and use all the features specifically provided for by the designer within the project. The standard library objects like Dashboards, Grids, Data Analysis and Reports allow making customized analysis through the web. These features are particularly appreciated by production managers. The apps available on the different stores, provide the same features indicated for HTML5 technology and the same security standards.
This confirms once again the complete flexibility of the Movicon.NExT platform that is able to provide all its functionalities in different application scenarios.
Movicon.NExT: cross-platform Web Client for solutions to suit all needs.
Thanks to the HTML5 standard, Movicon.NExT Web Client offers a standard and cross-platform solution to the user. It means that the platform works and can be used on different hardware devices and operating systems.
The advantage of having a cross-platform solution is that the project is accessible anywhere, guaranteeing the fundamental security requirements, the graphics capabilities, and the user experience.
The designer, therefore, can develop an application with no worries about where it will be displayed, concentrating on the fields of application where more attention is typically required, during the preliminary phase of application conception and the subsequent editing and test phase of the application itself.
WPF technology allows to use the same functionalities and the same graphic objects available in the traditional Movicon.NExT Client. Thanks to this, the web experience is quite similar to that of a typical Client.
SVG technology is designed to be used in a “lite” Web Client solution, where the user experience is different from that of a typical Movicon.NExT Client and the graphical images and renderings are slightly less sofisticated. This type of technology, using less system’s resources, can be displayed on Thin Client devices with limited hardware capabilities.
Regardless of the enabled technology, the Movicon.NExT Web Client function ensures remote connectivity in total security. The connection between Server and Web Client is established using an HTTPS protocol and leveraging Websocket technology. This allows to be safe from external attacks both when the communication is set up and during the data exchange, once the communication is established. Another great benefit is that this connectivity is recognized safe by systems like Firewalls, since it flows through the standard communication ports that are usually used for the standard Internet browsing. Thus, using Movicon.NExT Web Client function, a user operates securely and through the normal channels that are usually at the disposal of the IT department.
To access the application that is published by Movicon.NExT via Web Client, operators need to authenticate with username and password, since the Web Client functionality also uses the Movicon.NExT user management.
After the access, the user can interact and use all the features specifically provided for by the designer within the project. The standard library objects like Dashboards, Grids, Data Analysis and Reports allow making customized analysis through the web. These features are particularly appreciated by production managers. The apps available on the different stores, provide the same features indicated for HTML5 technology and the same security standards.
This confirms once again the complete flexibility of the Movicon.NExT platform that is able to provide all its functionalities in different application scenarios.
Movicon.NExT: cross-platform Web Client for solutions to suit all needs.
Thanks to the HTML5 standard, Movicon.NExT Web Client offers a standard and cross-platform solution to the user. It means that the platform works and can be used on different hardware devices and operating systems.
The advantage of having a cross-platform solution is that the project is accessible anywhere, guaranteeing the fundamental security requirements, the graphics capabilities, and the user experience.
The designer, therefore, can develop an application with no worries about where it will be displayed, concentrating on the fields of application where more attention is typically required, during the preliminary phase of application conception and the subsequent editing and test phase of the application itself.