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Analog Devices News
Designing Software Configurable Systems for Industry 4.0
Future-proofing your industrial products for Industry 4.0 has increased the need for flexible, connected industrial and process control systems.

This webcast will outline our new software configurable inputs & outputs (IOs) & comprehensive communication solutions including HART & deterministic Industrial Ethernet and highlight what vital role they might play in your next Industry 4.0 design, along with power and isolation solutions specifically designed to work alongside them. It will also discuss some of the key trends within Process Control automation market and how increased system connectivity is enhances productivity and increasing asset utilisation in the field.
Date: Tuesday, September 22, 2020
Time: 04:00 PM Central European Summer Time
Duration: 1 hour
Jonathan Law - Director of Process Control and Factory Automation Analog Devices
Jean McAdam - Strategic Marketing Manager for Process Control and Automation Analog Devices
Fiona Treacy - Strategic marketing manager for Process Control and Automation Analog Devices
Can’t attend the live event? We’ve got you covered! Register now, and we’ll send you a link to view the webinar on-demand after the live broadcast.