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Mettler Toledo News
Enhanced Connectivity and More Publishing Options Enhance Productivity for All Your Weighing Operations
MS-TS Advanced balances equipped with software version 4.10 provide better connectivity and publishing for easy, comprehensive data management.

Ensuring your balance can print, store and transfer results is key to ongoing data accuracy and production quality.
However, ensuring that operators can seamlessly transfer generated data and access flexible reporting and publishing options enables better process monitoring and supports your need to have relevant data available for analysis. To ensure this flexible connectivity, MS-TS advanced-level balances with software version 4.10 feature Ethernet, USB, RS232 and optional WLAN/Bluetooth connectivity.

Advanced connectivity options let you send measurement results via several reporting methods simultaneously. For example, you can transfer basic traceability data to a strip printer via USB while sending more robust metadata for longer-term recordkeeping to an FTP server via Ethernet. Web access via tablet or PC allows easy viewing and basic interactions like tare and print, while data formats including PDF, CSV and XML enhance printing and processing capabilities.
Users can easily configure what kind of information is provided and in which data format. Tracking options include not only task, sample and user ID but also information about balance condition such as when it was last adjusted or if it is leveled to ensure results are reliable. This means reporting can be tailored to your process and environment to further improve productivity and reduce error risk.