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Sice News
During the first half of 2020, SICE Inc has been awarded new contracts in the US that both strengthen and grow the presence of the company in the country. More specifically, in the area of Orlando, the company has increased the number of projects under development and the local structure of the company, while they have strengthened their relations with clients such as the Central Florida Expressway Authority (CFX) or the Florida Department of Transportation (FDoT).

During the first half of 2020, SICE Inc has been awarded new contracts in the US that both strengthen and grow the presence of the company in the country. More specifically, in the area of Orlando, the company has increased the number of projects under development and the local structure of the company, while they have strengthened their relations with clients such as the Central Florida Expressway Authority (CFX) or the Florida Department of Transportation (FDoT).
The new projects taken on by SICE Inc are mainly developed in sectors in which the company already has extensive experience in the country, where the company is considered a specialized and consolidated company: ITS and associated communication systems and infrastructures and control of traffic light intersections.
ITS in Poinciana Parkway (Orlando) – This ITS project will be implemented in Osceola Country for CFX (Central Florida Expressway Authority), by which SICE will implement road ITS devices (cameras and sensors) and the associated communications infrastructure.
NH 2020(596) Corridor Traffic Management (Houston) – ITS project to be implemented in Montgomery County for the Texas Department of Transportation (TxDoT) in which road ITS equipment will be implemented (variable message panels, cameras, and speed traps) and the associated communications infrastructure.
SR 44 Adaptive Traffic Signal Control (ATSC) Project (Orlando) – Project to be implemented for the FDoT, which will include the installation of 14 intersections for an adapted traffic light control system (ATSC) on the SR44 interstate. They will also install Bluetooth scanners in several locations with the purpose of improving the efficiency of the ATSC system.
SICE Inc thus strengthens its experience in the implementation of this sort of systems following the success of the deployments in West Palm Beach (25 intersections) and on Calle 8 in Miami (29 intersections).
ITS Expansion on SR 5, SR 500 and SR 507 (Orlando) – This project to be implemented for the FDoT will be extended to the ITS system communications network in different sections of the aforementioned state roads through the deployment and connection of a new fiber optics network, which will allow to increase the number of installed ITS devices.
Wrong Way Driving and Countermeasures, Phase 3 (Orlando) – To complete the first and second phases already implemented by SICE, Inc for CFX, this third phase will be awarded so that SICE Inc may continue to expand the system with new merger ramps on the Orlando highways. Thanks to these new facilities, the safety of the drivers will increase by means of additional access points for these roads that detect vehicles that could be driving in the wrong direction.
Wrong Way Driving and Countermeasures (Jacksonville) – Framework contract for North Florida in which they implemented the same sort of systems as in the Orlando area, as requested by FDoT.
With these 6 new project awards, SICE Inc will reach the round number of 40 projects under execution or already implemented in the United States. Thanks to its 9 offices in Florida, Texas, and Washington, SICE Inc continues to grow in the country, developing high added-value technological projects, providing all its experience, innovation capacity, safety, and confidence to all of their clients.