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Fanuc News
A New Standard For Smart Productivity
FANUC’s CNC 30i-B Plus combines advanced integrated hardware and over 250 software functions.

FANUC’s latest CNC, the Series 30i-B Plus, has been improved for high speed, high precision and high-quality machining. It contains the latest FANUC control technologies in order to maximize performance: Fine Surface Technology improves the surface quality of work pieces. Fast Cycle Time Technology shortens the execution time of part programs, reducing cycle time and improving machine tool productivity. And 5-Axis Integrated Technology simplifies 5-axis machining operations, encouraging the operator to adopt the machine tools’ full range of functionalities.
Customization functions are now included as standard in the 30i-B Plus, giving machine tool builders many options to customize their machines. For instance, FANUC PICTURE provides a rich set of functions and tools to simply design, as well as implement customized Human Machine Interfaces (HMI) on the FANUC CNC. Macro Executor makes it easy to integrate new functionalities like special technology cycles into the 30i-B Plus. And C-Language Executor enables the operator to create application programs using the C programming language. This allows for flexible customization of the 30i-B Plus, opening the way to tailor-made solutions.
Loading and unloading machine tools with a robot improves productivity. The 30i-B Plus supports QSSR (“Quick and Simple Startup of Robotization”), an interface between FANUC CNCs and FANUC robots. Using this interface, a FANUC robot and up to four machine tools with FANUC CNCs can be combined quickly and easily. All that is needed is an Ethernet cable. Function blocks are provided in order to speed up ladder development, and guidance functions help with the setup process.
Many essential functions are now standard in the 30i-B Plus: safety functions help to avoid damage to the machine, and security functions prevent unauthorized access. The memory has been increased to accommodate a greater number of larger part programs, while also providing more flexibility to configure optional functions. Many tool functions, spindle functions, and work piece coordinate systems are standard, as well. Furthermore, Packages and Kits combines optional functions for various purposes, e.g. for milling machines or lathes, making it easier to select and order the right functions for the right machine.
The 30i-B Plus now has an additional Multi-Function Ethernet port available on all devices. It can be used as an Industrial Ethernet fieldbus, such as PROFINET IO or EtherNet/IP, or as an additional Ethernet port in order to promote IoT. The 30i-B Plus also comes with improved display units, complete with a dark color scheme, a flat design, and a 2-point touch screen for multi-touch operation.
This unique combination of characteristics makes the Series 30i-B Plu sa new gold standard for smart productivity and automated production.