Check and measure the flow: new HVF-E visual flow indicator with flow-meter sensor
The brand-new HVF-E visual flow indicators with flow-meter sensor find applications on machines requiring flow measurement, like irrigation systems, heating/cooling systems, machines mixing water and detergents or automatic fluid loading the tanks.

HVF-E indicators are composed of :
- technopolymer ends and sensor holder;
- polypropylene axis and rotor propeller;
- tubular window, also for use with glycol-based solutions;
- sensor: IP67 protection;
- brass bosses with cylindrical gas thread;
- AISI 304 stainless steel clips.
Visual indicators with flow-meter sensor can be mounted in any position; the operator can visually check the liquid flow, thanks to the borosilicate glass window. A minimum flow rate is required, depending on the type of fluid and its viscosity, to allow the propeller rotation with the minimum passage of flow. The inductive sensor, completely separated from the liquid passage area and replaceable in case of damage, reads the passage of the two stainless steel metal clips, mounted on the rotor, providing a signal to a PLC thanks to a PNP output. Accuracy and repeatability of the measure is ±3%.
HVF-E can be used as a safety system to check if the water / liquid pipeline is working. In case of failure, the PLC can receive a signal and stop the machine avoiding damage. Eg: cooling system or metal working machine.