3M News

3M Littmann® Stethoscopes and eMurmur® Partner to Launch New Educational Apps

Becoming skilled in auscultation requires practice and repeated exposure to real patient heart and lung sounds. In response to that need, 3M Littmann® Stethoscopes has joined forces with eMurmur® to release two new branded apps – one to support students and the other designed for instructors.


KEBA Live Dialog brings automation solutions to the office or home office

The new event format allows immersion in the world of KEBA industrial automation with the help of state-of-the-art technology. A 300 m² trade fair stand was set up at the headquarters in Linz. In keeping with the motto "Our trade fair stand comes to you", this allowed hundreds of trade fair discussions to be held via live video conferencing over the last four weeks, even though the very important trade fair for KEBA, the SPS in Nuremberg, did not take place as usual this year.

Schaeffler News

Schaeffler adds the CONCEPT1 and CONCEPT4 to its range of lubricators

Manual lubrication frequently takes place too late and with too much lubricant. An automatic lubricant supply prevents over-lubrication and under-lubrication and also saves time and extends the bearings’ operating life. Maintenance outlay and maintenance costs can be reduced by up to 30 per cent compared to manual lubrication, and problem-free production is ensured in the long term.

Baumüller News

Component Flexibility for Mechanical Engineering

Nuremberg-based specialist in drive and automation technology Baumüller certifies converters for PROFINET IRT and clears the way for greater productivity, better system availability and maximum flexibility.

Krones News

Virtual Krones showroom going online

Virtual interaction instead of in-person meetings: particularly during the current coronavirus pandemic, new forms of communication are increasingly gaining in perceived importance.

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