rotamec News

Speed of repair is key for servo motors

With servo motors typically used in precision manufacturing, down time means high cost. If a servo motor develops a fault, it’s vital that a repair is made as rapidly as possible. A fast return to service must be combined with a guarantee of a highly proficient repair that provides lasting, high performance motion control.

Bihl + Wiedemann News

Exploiting ASi Advantages in the PROFIsafe Environment

The ASi-5/ASi-3 PROFIsafe via PROFINET Gateway with integrated Safety Monitor is now also available as a single master without integrated I/Os: The BWU4018 is thus a cost-effective entry-level model that helps you exploit ASi advantages in the PROFIsafe environment.

Gossenmetrawatt News

Patented contact-protected connection for multimeter supply

Gossen Metrawatt has introduced a new patented solution for secure power supply of its DAkkS-calibrated digital multimeters METRAHIT IM XTRA and METRAHIT IM E-DRIVE.

Parker News

Parker joins Hydrogen Council to help accelerate deployment of clean energy solutions

Parker Hannifin, the global leader in motion and control technologies, has announced it has joined the Hydrogen Council, a global CEO-led initiative of leading companies with a united vision and long-term ambition: for hydrogen to foster the clean energy transition and create a better, more resilient future.

Gradconn News

Corrosion resistant Nautilus Cable assemblies with IP68 and IP69K protection

Designed to withstand extremely harsh environments, Nautilus cable assemblies with stainless steel (303) SMA connectors offer peak performance against corrosion. Rated to IP67, IP68 and for the first time in the Nautilus range, IP69K for high pressure and high temperature washdown protection.

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