Rohde & Schwarz

Signal source analyzer from Rohde & Schwarz in operation at laboratories of US Air Force

AFMETCAL, the Air Force Metrology and Calibration Authority, has ordered signal source analyzers (SSA) from Rohde & Schwarz. They will be operated in AFMETCAL’s precision measurement equipment laboratories (PMEL’s) and Air Force primary standards laboratory (AFPSL). The signal source analyzers are used for calibration of phase noise analog (AM, FM & PM) and digital modulation measurements. For phase noise measurement Rohde & Schwarz has also provided cross-correlation offering very high sensitivity, flexibility and fast measurement speed — all in one box.

Secure IC News

Industry 4.0 and Cybersecurity: a Perfect Match for the Future

Industry is not the only one concerned: for many, cybersecurity is nothing more or less than a cost center, a prerequisite. However, the health crisis has proven it: without security, there is no information system and production (of products and services) slows down or even stops. In the age of Industry 4.0, cybersecurity is no longer a subsidiary element, but rather the major challenge for securing our production chains.

Bunting europe News

Expanded Magnetic Solutions from MagDev at Southern Manufacturing 2022

MagDev is a member of the Bunting Group, which is one of the world’s leading designers and manufacturers of magnets, magnet assemblies and magnetising equipment. The Bunting European engineering and manufacturing facilities are in Swindon, Berkhamsted and Redditch, all in the United Kingdom.

Dassault Systemes News

NAAREA Chooses the 3DEXPERIENCE Platform to Develop the Virtual Twin of Its Extra Small Modular Reactor

Dassault Systèmes (Euronext Paris: FR0014003TT8, DSY.PA) today announced that the newly created France-based company NAAREA will use Dassault Systèmes’ 3DEXPERIENCE platform on the cloud to virtually design its solution, the XSMR extra small sustainable modular nuclear reactor.

BCN3D News

BCN3D strengthens ties in North America with a new logistics center and local team to boost growth in 2022

This follows the momentum of an eventful four months in BCN3D’s calendar, with the purchase of AstroPrint, launch of its new Cloud software and presentation of its new Metal Pack at Formnext in Frankfurt, featuring all the tools necessary to make affordable stainless steel 3D printing a reality.

ABB News

IE5 motors help paint shop realise annual energy saving

The MINI manufacturing plant in Oxford has upgraded existing IE1/IE2 motors to IE5 synchronous reluctance motor (SynRM) and drive packages from ABB, increasing plant efficiency, reducing costs and lowering the carbon footprint of its operations.

Beckhoff News

Real-time-capable data communication via OPC UA from Beckhoff

Direct integration of OPC UA Pub/Sub communication into the TwinCAT 3 runtime paves the way for straightforward realisation of machine-to-machine (M2M) and device-to-cloud (D2C) scenarios based on the OPC UA Pub/Sub specification.

Rutronik News

Faster time to market with the new Development Kit "RDK2" from Rutronik

The new "RDK2" development kit from Rutronik is a complete solution for firmware and hardware developers. Based on the "RDK2", proof of concepts can be created quickly and the time-to-market of products is accelerated. The modular toolkit uses the PSoC62 microcontroller from Infineon Cypress and provides an excellent solution for applications in the Internet of Things, Industrial IoT (IoT, IIoT), Smart Wearables, and Smart Home.

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