Faulhaber helps Regaining the ability to walk independently

With the exoskeleton "Autonomyo”, this dream can now be made a reality. The active walking aid supports the weakened muscles and enables an intuitive sequence of movements that mimics the natural sequence. The additional power is supplied by six micromotors. To facilitate a harmonious interaction between the exoskeleton and its user, FAULHABER developed an innovative all-in-one component motor with a torque sensor.

Baumer News

Despite the chip crisis: Baumer resumes delivery of industrial cameras

Right in the midst of the chip crisis, Baumer provides a silver lining behind the clouds over the tense vision market. In August, the expert in industrial cameras and components for automated image processing managed to resume deliveries of USB cameras.

Capillarytech News

Capillary announces strategic alliance partnership with KPMG in India to deliver leading loyalty and customer engagement solutions

Capillary Technologies today announced its strategic partnership with KPMG in India for loyalty and customer engagement solutions. Focused on delivering AI-based cloud native loyalty and customer engagement solutions to businesses, the partnership will include a certified and trained team of KPMG consultants.

Nowi Energy News

Telink Introduces Energy Harvesting Multi-protocol Wireless Connectivity Module, Powered by Nowi, to Enable Batteryless Solutions

Telink and Nowi reinforce their existing partnership by launching an Energy Autonomous Wireless Connectivity Module. This new product offering enables additional energy harvesting use-cases by further reducing bill of material size, cost and complexity.


The new Eplan Platform 2023 : Simply more speed in engineering

The new Eplan Platform 2023 is streamlining and accelerating project planning with new cloud-based device management and multi-standard support for schematic macros. This means that users can get results more quickly – especially when working on international projects – due to the simplified device data management system while increasing overall project quality. The new 3D graphics core, an optimised cable editor and the new Insert Center also bring more performance and transparency to engineering.

Copadata News

Load flow analysis for substation management

The diversification of the global energy mix has posed new challenges to substation operators. Effectively collecting and using data is valuable for monitoring and control, and accurate load flow data is key in supporting grid operations.

Nicolás Correa News


After more than two years, Nicolás Correa is once again taking part in trade fairs in Germany with the AMB (International Exhibition for Metal Working). At the exhibition to be held in Stuttgart, from 13th to 17th September, Correa will be presenting the FENIX travelling column milling machine.

Fraunhofer News


The rising price and low availability of raw materials, especially silver, are leading to higher costs in producing photovoltaic modules. Fraunhofer researchers have developed an electroplating process that involves substituting silver, an expensive precious metal, with copper, which is more readily available.

Bühler News

SEC’s microalgae project gets a stellar addition from its partner Bühler Group

Singapore-ETH Centre (SEC) and Swiss Bühler Group announce the deployment of Bühler’s state-of-the-art Stellar Gemini system at SEC’s Urban Microalgae Protein project laboratory in Singapore. The Stellar technology, a world first developed by Bühler, is based on nanosecond pulsed electric fields.

4most News

19” Power Distribution Unit with Emergency Stop Switch from Foremost

Foremost Electronics, the engineering-led Essex based importer and specialist distributor of electromechanical components, announces the availability of Rack Safety Plus from nVent. The 19” 3U power distribution unit supplies AC mains power and 24 V DC power to electrical or electronic devices as a central power switch with an emergency stop function with the safety relay meeting the requirements of EN 60947-5-1 and EN 60204-1 in applications with E-STOP push buttons.

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